Anomaly Detection Handler
The Anomaly Detection handler implements supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms using the pyod, catboost, xgboost, and sklearn libraries. The models were chosen based on the results in the following benchmark paper.
Additional information
If no labelled data, we use an unsupervised learner with the syntax
without specifying the target to predict. MindsDB then adds a column calledoutlier
when generating results. -
If we have labelled data, we use the regular model creation syntax. There is backend logic that chooses between a semi-supervised algorithm (currently XGBOD) vs. a supervised algorithm (currently CatBoost).
If multiple models are provided, then we create an ensemble and use majority voting.
See the anomaly detection proposal document for more information.
Example usage
To run example queries, use the data from this CSV file.
Unsupervised detection
Semi-supervised detection
Supervised detection
Specific model
Specific anomaly type
Additional Media:
Demo 1: