With MindsDB, you can create and deploy AI agents that comprise AI models and customizable skills such as knowledge bases and text-to-SQL.

AI agents use a conversational model (like OpenAI or Anthropic) from LangChain utilizing tools as skills to respond to user input. Users can customize AI agents with their own prompts to fit their use cases.

A chatbot can be thought of as an agent connected to some messaging interface.

How to work with AI agents

Create skills

Start by setting up the skills. Here is how you can create and manage skills using SQL API.

  • Creating, inserting into, updating, and deleting a knowledge base:

    CREATE KNOWLEDGE BASE my_knowledge_base
        model = embedding_model_name,              -- this parameter is optional; if not provided, a suitable embedding model is chosen for the task
        storage = vector_database.storage_table;   -- this parameter is optional; if not provided, the default ChromaDB is used for storage
    -- inserts new data rows and generates id for each row if id is not provided
    INSERT INTO my_knowledge_base
        SELECT text AS content FROM datasource.data_table;
    -- inserts new data rows and updates existing ones if id value matches
    INSERT INTO my_knowledge_base
        SELECT id, text AS content FROM datasource.data_table;
    -- view content of a knowledge base (for example, to look up the generated id values)
    SELECT * FROM my_knowledge_base;
    DROP KNOWLEDGE BASE my_knowledge_base;
  • Creating, updating, and deleting a skill that utilizes a knowledge base:

    CREATE SKILL kb_skill
        type = 'knowledge_base',
        source = 'my_knowledge_base', -- this must be created with CREATE KNOWLEDGE BASE
        description = 'My data'; -- data description to help the agent know when to use the knowledge base
    UPDATE SKILL kb_skill
       source = 'new_knowledge_base'; -- this must be created with CREATE KNOWLEDGE BASE
    DROP SKILL kb_skill;
  • Creating, updating, and deleting a text-to-SQL skill:

    CREATE SKILL text_to_sql_skill
        type = 'text_to_sql',
        database = 'example_db', -- this must be created with CREATE DATABASE
        tables = ['sales_data'];
    UPDATE SKILL text_to_sql_skill
        database = 'new_example_db', -- this must be created with CREATE DATABASE
        tables = ['sales_data'];
    DROP SKILL text_to_sql_skill;

You can query all skills using this command:

SELECT * FROM skills;

Create an agent

An agent can be created, deleted, queried, and updated. Here is how you can do that using SQL API.

  • Creating an AI agent:

    CREATE AGENT my_agent
       model = 'chatbot_agent', -- this must be created with CREATE MODEL
       skills = ['test_skill']; -- this must be created with CREATE SKILL
  • Updating an AI agent:

    UPDATE AGENT my_agent
       model = 'new_chatbot_agent', -- this must be created with CREATE MODEL
       skills_to_remove = ['test_skill'],
       skills_to_add = ['production_skill']; -- this must be created with CREATE SKILL
  • Deleting an AI agent:

    DROP AGENT my_agent;

You can query all agents using this command:

SELECT * FROM agents;


Agents with Text-to-SQL Skills

Start by creating a conversational large language model to be used by an agent.

PREDICT answer
    engine = 'langchain',
    input_column = 'question',
    openai_api_key = 'your-model-api-key', -- choose one of OpenAI or Anthropic
    anthropic_api_key = 'your-model-api-key', -- choose one of OpenAI or Anthropic
    mode = 'conversational',
    user_column = 'question' ,
    assistant_column = 'answer',
    prompt_template='Answer the user input in a helpful way';

Follow the integration doc pages for LangChain and OpenAI.

Then, connect a data source to be used for creating a skill.

WITH ENGINE = "postgres",
    "user": "demo_user",
    "password": "demo_password",
    "host": "",
    "port": "5432",
    "database": "demo"
SELECT * FROM example_db.sales_data;

Create a skill using one or more tables from a connected data source.

CREATE SKILL text_to_sql_skill
    type = 'text_to_sql',
    database = 'example_db',
    tables = ['sales_data'];

Now that we have a model and a skill, let’s create an agent.

CREATE AGENT text_to_sql_agent
    model = 'my_model',
    skills = ['text_to_sql_skill'];

The next step would be to connect a chat app, like Slack, to MindsDB and create a chatbot utilizing this agent.

Learn about chatbots here.

Agents with Knowledge Bases as Skills

In this example, let’s create an embedding model (you can choose one from OpenAI, Hugging Face, or LangChain) for the knowledge base.

CREATE ML_ENGINE openai_engine
FROM openai
   openai_api_key = 'your-openai-api-key';

CREATE MODEL embedding_model
PREDICT embeddings
   engine = 'openai_engine',
   question_column = 'content';

Now let’s create a knowledge base that uses this embedding model and the default storage vector database (that is, ChromaDB).

CREATE KNOWLEDGE BASE my_knowledge_base
   model = embedding_model;

This is how you can insert data into the knowledge base and select it.

INSERT INTO my_knowledge_base (content)
VALUES ('I drink tea.');

SELECT * FROM my_knowledge_base;

Use this knowledge base to create a skill for an agent:

    type = 'knowledge_base',
    source = 'my_knowledge_base', -- this must be created with CREATE KNOWLEDGE BASE
    description = 'My data'; -- data description to help the agent know when to use the knowledge base